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Monday 25 August 2014

Meditation for stress relief

Stress, as I am sure you have seen reported repeatedly, can be a contributor to many illnesses including autoimmune diseases, depressions, chronic fatigue, heart disease, insomnia and anxieties to name a few.
During stress our bodies go into a protection mode which causes our bodies to pump out adrenaline and cortisol, increase our heart rates, blood sugars and reduce insulin production and suppression of our immune system.
Meditation releases stress and can not only help to reverses the physical effects, as above, but with regular use can help to reduce the build up of previous stress and start to promote an inner calmness.

  •  Meditate for Better Health – calming and centring
    Meditate to Sharpen your mind – living mindfully
    Meditate to be more aware of your body and mind – healing body and mind
    Meditate to balance your emotions -love and compassion
    Meditate to heal psychological problems – problem solving
    Meditate to contemplate the mysteries of life – manifesting our dreams

Sitting quietly and enabling you to look within has been reported to trigger the brain to release neurotransmitters including dopamine, serotonin and endorphins – the feel good natural chemicals.
Dopamine  governs our pleasure, focus and satisfaction levels whilst serotonin has a calming effect and helps to  reduce the effects of feeling stressed.

Starting with just 5 minutes a day, can make profound differences to your own stress and anxiety levels.
There are groups that you can join in your local community, or audio CDs that guide you through a deep relaxation. Alternatively you can find further meditations on “You Tube”.

Thursday 21 August 2014


Good afternoon......

I just wanted to share with you today a brief experience that has shown me just how much my thought process has changed.

I have been doing a lot of work, studies and putting into self practise meditations..... Awareness of thought patterns, beliefs and consciously changing these...for me!

Taking back my own power and setting myself free to make my own choices.......

During this process, I have been making myself aware of all self criticism....all critical comments really and as soon as I hear myself my plan has been to change this thought to a positive affirmation.

The first few days, I could hear myself whining at myself, from wake up...groan and moan to looking in the mirror and picking out every fault!

Just a short period has passed and my awareness of my own thoughts has heightened.... Being able to change the negative self requests into positive ones....

My mother used to tell me as a child "Be careful what you wish for". I had no idea what this really meant.

During one of my self doubting moments, I stopped myself and thought about what I would really like ..right here..right now..  In this particular case it was a couple more people for a workshop..

My thought process changed from "I will never get enough people" to " I have the perfect size and group for this workshop".  When I got home I checked my emails and there was the bookings that I wanted!!!!!

Just with a simple change of thoughts......
